Ferrero S.p.A., since its foundation, has undertaken in social and environmental sphere by contributing through its concern program to the improvement of the life quality of its own employees, to protect the environment and it is active in social field by keeping the highest standards of the concept of corporate citizenship.

Our concern program is mainly focused around three areas:

  • Employees and Persons
  • Protection of Environment, Health and Safety
  • Relationships with Clients and Suppliers

In the sphere of its own activities, Ferrero S.p.A. undertakes to protect the human and environmental aspects with reference to the Rule SA8000 issued by the Social Accountability International (SAI) and ISO 14001 Standard for Environmental Management System.

We undertake to request and verify that the same standards of protection of environment, health and safety on work are respected not only by our internal collaborators but also by the external ones and by partners/suppliers, who are periodically monitored and approved.


For Ferrero S.p.A. the person is the central factor of success for the company and consequently we consider seriously our responsibility to protect, support and prepare the workers so that they carry out success careers and also to defend their interests.

We believe strongly in the right of all to work and we follow strictly our engagement towards the equal opportunities and the protection of the human rights through a program of concern welfare.

We set ourselves the main goal to make the workers work in a healthy and safe working environment and we invest substantial resources in order to make machineries and equipment as safe as possible.

The company proceeds with identification and selection of the employees, so as the collaborators and the external consultants, with absolute impartiality, autonomy and independence of judgment, in a non-discriminatory way according to gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and political opinions, while fully respecting the standard in force and the internal procedures and it requires that the own employees know and observe the prescriptions of the Ethical Code and that, in accordance with the individual possibilities, they promote the knowledge among the newly hired employees and also among the third parties concerned by the application of the Ethical Code with whom they may come into contact.

We pay the highest and constant attention to the enhancement of the human resources. For this purpose Ferrero S.p.A. considers the meritocratic criteria, of the professional competence, honesty and the loyal behaviour the best basis for the adoption of any decision regarding the carrier and any other aspect relative to the employee.

The employees have an obligation to put in place a constantly respectful conduct of the rights and the personality of the colleagues, collaborators and third parties, independently from their hierarchical position inside the company.



We consider the protection of environment and nature fundamental values and heritage of all to be protected and defended and for this reason during the years we have obtained the certification ISO 14001 by Organisation RINA.

Ferrero S.p.A. recognises its own social responsibilities in a strict and continuative way and it undertakes in the protection of the environment and to avoid environmental damages, even if our structures and operations produce a limited ecological footprint, we reduce the environmental impact through conservation practices, preservations and decrease of wastes.

For this purpose, in the sphere of our own activities we undertake to contribute to development and wellbeing of the communities in which we operate, by pursuing the objective to guarantee the safety and the health of the employees, Clients and the communities interested in the activities themselves and to reduce the environmental impact.

We are therefore particularly careful to the efficient use of the energies, resources, choice of the materials and processes, reduction of CO2 emissions and the design of the products considers the reuse and the recycling.

We manage our activities by respecting the standard in force about environment, health and safety of work and we undertake to use the most suitable technologies, to prevent the concern risks and to reduce the direct and indirect concern impact.

Ferrero S.p.A. undertakes therefore to spread and consolidate among the employees and collaborators the culture of safety, by developing the awareness of the risks and by promoting responsible behaviours by everybody, employees and collaborators who, in the sphere of their own tasks and functions, participate in the process of prevention of the risks, protection of the environment and protection of health and safety towards themselves, the colleagues and the third parties.



Ferrero S.p.A. pursues its own success on the national and international markets through the offer of products of high quality under competitive conditions in compliance with the provisions safeguarding competition.

As regards the relationships with partners/suppliers, we work in compliance with the law, the principles laid down in the Ethical Code, the existing contracts and the internal procedures. The employees in charge of the relationships with the suppliers and the service providers proceed with their selection and with the management of the relative relationships according to criteria of impartiality and correctness, by avoiding situations of conflict of interest, also potential, with them.

Ferrero S.p.A. undertakes also to respect strictly the legal provisions according to competition and avoids misleading, collusive behaviours and, more generally, any behaviour as might be construed as constituting unfair competition against other companies on the market.


Each of us in the company must support the commitment of social corporate responsibility. We promote the participation of all our organisational structure through the diffusion, to all the employees, of the concern Ethical Code and we monitor constantly the good conduct of all the internal and external collaborators in order to improve our workplaces and contribute to the communities we serve, by guaranteeing that our actions are socially, ethically and environmentally responsible.