The continuous evolution of the expectations and needs of the Clients, strongly reinforced by the competitiveness of the market, requires flexible organization models and simplified management systems, of which you need to monitor the efficiency in terms of expected results. For this reason, we have developed an Integrated System (Quality, Environment, Security and Ethics – QAS) as a mean for reaching the fixed aims.

The Integrated System is structured in order to foresee a suitable control and assurance of all the operative processes affecting the quality of the service and the product supplied, with a perspective of ever greater orientation to the Client.

The application field of Ferrero S.p.A. is clearly identified in the activity of project, construction and commercialization of racks for automotive components, industrial welded products and trading with processing both inside the company and entrusted to external approved partners on whom the company has influence in environmental, security, ethical and social context.

The fundamental principles of the policy of the Integrated System are:

  • The Client’s satisfaction
  • The attention to the social and environmental aspects according to the cogency and company aims
  • The staff’s security and health
  • The efficiency in the performance regarding quality and respect of the security, environmental, ethical and social aspects
  • The quality of the supplies according to the requirements of all the parties concerned
  • Responsible procurement of the raw materials necessary to manufacture the products
  • The continuous improvement of quality and environmental, ethical and social system
  • The engagement to protect the environment and to prevent pollution during the phases of work, both internal and entrusted to our partners and in all the cycle of life of the product (from the project phase to the last one of the disposal)
  • The observance of the Ethical Code
  • The observance of all the rules to limit the spreading of the COVID 19 pandemic


The general principle leading the security management system in the company is the observance of all the voluntary and applicable laws in force.

This concept is translated into the following principles of security management:

  • Carrying out and maintaining an updated documental system for the security management suitable for the company reality
  • Observing all the cogent European, National and Regional rules and anyway relating to the aspects regulating health and security at the workplaces including the engagement to the prevention of the accidents, the occupational diseases, and the behaviour to limit the spreading of the COVID 19
  • Maintaining a sufficient useful space (with respect to the principles of ergonomics) at disposal of each worker by avoiding overcrowding
  • Fostering relations between the various employees in a collaborative view
  • Keeping the workers constantly informed on the developments and evolutions of the security rules by guaranteeing also the application of such a rule inside the company reality
  • Carrying out products guaranteeing not only the full compliance with the regulation in force but being, as a precautionary measure, of a level higher than foreseen by the minimum laws and complying with the Clients’ requirements
  • Obtaining a continuous improvement and reviewing periodically the management system, in order to guarantee its continuous actuality

More specifically, the company wants the employees and people working on behalf of it (suppliers, consultants and collaborators) to be aware of the importance of the observance of the legal requirements, the environment protection, an ethical and sustainable behaviour and the respect of health and safety of all the people involved. Cornerstones of the daily works are:

  • The use in a correct way by all the personnel of the personal protective equipment (PPE) defined according to each task inside the document of evaluation of the risks
  • The importance of the ergonomics of the own workplace in the definition of the spaces and distancing following the pandemic
  • The use in a conscious way by all the personnel of the company machines and equipment in order to prevent any risk of accident caused by a use different from the one indicated on the use and maintenance manual of the single piece of equipment of work
  • The use and the handling in a conscious way of the chemical products present in the company (most of them are paints) and the knowledge of what indicated on the relative safety cards
  • The participation in a constructive manner careful to the periodical tests of evacuation and emergency (environment and safety) carried out  inside the company to prevent dangerous situations and to be ready in case of  necessity
  • The periodical control of all the workplaces and fire prevention equipment (extinguishers, hydrants etc.)  in order to keep them always  efficient
  • The collaboration of all the personnel in managing both a safety or environment accident to limit as much as possible the negative consequences and work in order to prevent this from happening again
  • The attention paid by all the personnel to a correct use of all the resources in order to improve the company energy efficiency (with a reduction of the CO2 consumption), also through the use of renewable energy and a reduction of the greenhouse gas. A special attention to avoid the waste of water and a superfluous use of heating and cooling of the working environment, and to a reduction of the production of non-recoverable wastes.
  • The attention paid by the company partners to a control regarding the quality of air (mainly inside the working spaces) and water, the use, when  economically possible, of natural and renewable energy resources and a limited use of dangerous chemical substances (managed and handled in such a responsible way by operating as indicated on the safety cards of the single products).

The policy and the methodology of the Integrated System are shared by all the personnel operating in the company and have created strong synergies between the various company processes.